Saturday 14 July 2012

Spring Summer 2013

My work is all about questioning the status quo and pushing the boundaries of today's increasingly bored, conservative culture.

Working with influences including Grayson Perry, the Occupy movement, The London Riots, the fashion of the interwar years and George Orwell, I am fascinated by ruins, extinction and obsolescence; sassiness and mischief; sweetness and subversion.

My clothes are about the layering of history, connecting the past to the future in radical, transgressive ways and fighting for what you believe to be right.

The Spring / Summer 2013 collection is centred around the idea of quiet protest. Each piece from the collection says, in its own way, 'I am an individual and I have a voice', but without shouting.

Combining the romantic innocence of childhood with the hardcore protester from the Occupy movement, these are clothes for a pretty rebellion. We want wearing them to make you feel a little freer and able to access the forgotten joys of mischief.

Subversive fried chicken shop digital print and screen-printed text onto unusual base fabrics push city dirt up against urbane elegance.

Other pieces in the collection are inspired directly by Occupy movement artwork quoting Ghandi:'We must become the change we want to see'.

We here at Kelly Shaw are starting a revolution in style. We hope you join us.

Fight the Boredom!

You can down load the Look Book here if you want!:

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